Legal Abbreviations

Some Legal Terms or Abbreviations and elaborations for the Law Professionals as well as others

ACC   = Anti Corruption Commission
AIR    = All Indian Reports
AD    = Acknowledgement Due

BLD   = Bangladesh Legal Decisions
              (A journal published by Bangladesh Bar Council)
BLC  = Bangladesh Law Chronicles
BSCD = Bangladesh Supreme Court Digest
BSCR = Bangladesh Supreme Court Reports
BCR  = Bangladesh Case Reports
BLT   = Bngladesh Law Times
BS      = Bangladesh Survey (1940 to present)
BTRC = Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
BSCIC = Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation

CD      = Case Diary
CMM  = Chief Metropolitan Magistrate
CJM    = Chief Judicial Magistrate
CLJ     = Civil Law Judgements
CLJ     = Criminal Law Journal
CrLJ    = Criminal Law Journal
CPC    = The Code of Civil Procedure
CrPC   = The Code of Criminal Procedure
CR      = Complaint Register
CDA   = Chittagong Development Authority
CI Sheet = Corrugated Iron Sheet 
CNG    = Compressed Natural Gas
CSR     = Corporate Social Responsibility
CLJ    = Civil Law Judgement
CrLJ   = Criminal Law Judgement
CS      = Charge Sheet
CS      = Cadastral Survey (1888-1940, Cox's Bazar to Dinajpur)
CWN   = Calcutta Weekly Notes

DLR    = Dhaka Law Reports
DW     = Defendant Witness
DOHS = Defense Officers Housing Society
DW     = Defendant Witness (বিবাদীর সাক্ষী)
DS     = District Settlement

EPZ      = Export Processing Zone
FIR     = First Information Report (Crpc Sec 154)

G GR      = General Regiater
GIS      = Geographic Information Service

I IT        = Information Technology
ICT      = Information and Communication Technology
ITES    = Information Technology Enabled Services 
IGW    = International Gateway
ISO      = International Satelite Dialing

K KDA   = Khulna Development Authority

L LNG    = Liquefied Natural Gas 

M MLR   = Mainstream Law Reports
MS Rod = Mild Steel Road

N NGO   = Non-Government Organization

PPLD   = Pakistan Legal Decisions
PLR   = Pakistan Law Reports
PW    = Plaintiff Witness/Prosecution Witness (বাদীর সাক্ষী)
PSC    = Production  Sharing Contract 

R RDA   = Rajshahi Development Authority
RS      = Revisional/Review Ssurvey (To amend mistakes in SA)

SC       = Supreme Court
SCC   = Supreme Court Case (India)
SCC   = Supreme Court Report (India)
SEZ      = Special Economic Zone
SA      = State Acquisition (1950)
SR     = Service Return
SD     = Settle Date

W WS    = Written Statement

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